Once upon a time, Magadha was an ancient Indian kingdom in southern Bihar and counted as one of the sixteen great countries of India. It was in the land of Magadha that Prince Siddharth attained enlightenment and became known as the Buddha. It is also where Nalanda, an ancient centre for learning, attracted students from all over the world in its glory days. Today, in that same area, children in a remote farming village are imagining the impossible and shaping their surroundings.
Loka is an innovative small school with big dreams in a remote and rural village in Bihar, North-India. At Loka everyone is welcome; children from different backgrounds and with different learning abilities study together. Besides equipping students with academic skills, Loka makes a difference by connecting with the local community, applying the learned to everyday life, integrating art and craft, creating awareness for planetary health and applying slow and reflective ways of learning. Rather than creating a standardised model of schooling to be copied and pasted, Loka’s school aspires to be an inspiring example of an education that is shaped to the natural ways of children’s minds and hearts and relevant for both its local context and today’s world
– Charlotte, Co-founder, Loka